About Our 2021 Scholarship Winners


Gabriela Wodka

As a Math and Economics major, I learned a lot about policy in the classroom, so when it was time to decide what I wanted to do with my summer, seeing and experiencing what I spent so much time learning was at the forefront of my thoughts. Having never been to DC, a “hill-ternship” and, honestly, DC as a whole was a very intimidating prospect. I had received the chance to intern for a Congressman on the Ways and Means Committee with no idea how to pay for my living. The WCSF was my touchpoint for figuring it all out and actually getting onto the Hill. Within my internship, I sat in on meetings with lobbyists, learned how to communicate to constituents, and received mentorship from some amazing women in my office (one of whom also happened to be involved with WCSF). A staffer even invited me to join the Capitol Hill Run Club, where I started to train for my first marathon. I came away from the summer feeling incredibly empowered and confident in my abilities. Meeting the board of the WCSF, especially Harmony, allowed me to gain a special insight into the ladder-climb of DC and come away with practical advice.

As an Air Force ROTC cadet, I came to DC with an interest in defense and economic policy. Through my office, I was able to get connected to military legislative liaisons and attend hearings that I was interested in. One of the highlights of my summer was meeting and conversing with the Chief of Staff of the Air Force during his visit to DC. Such a special opportunity would not have been afforded without the generosity of the WCSF.

I thank the board for supporting me and encouraging me in my interests — without them, I would not have had the confidence or financial means to pursue such an enriching summer.

Josephine Urrea

My name is Josephine Urrea, a current junior at the University of Maryland, College Park pursuing a double major in Mandarin Chinese and Public Policy. Last summer, I had the opportunity to intern with my congressman’s office at Capitol Hill. This internship was not only extremely educational but transformed my future aspirations. Without the Women’s Congressional Staff Foundation (WCSF), I would not have been able to complete my dream. 

I had the honor of being one of the recipients of the WCFS summer scholarship. Knowing that I am being supported by strong, inspirational, and ambitious women meant the world to me. Not only was I able to meet other women interning, but the scholarship allowed me to focus on networking, learning, and building my foundation at Capitol Hill without financial stress. Because of their contribution to my professional growth and development, I was able to participate in and fully enjoy my internship last summer. At Capitol Hill, I drafted policy memos, researched policy issues, created public relations updates, and supported the legislative efforts of the office. I also researched and drafted several policy memos on U.S. and China relations briefings on topics such as Taiwan Strait issues and Trade Wars. The skills and networks I built at Capitol Hill helped me find my current job as a campaign field organizer for a Maryland state senator. I oversee campaign operations and lead a group of college interns. Without the WCSF, none of this would have come to fruition. Capitol Hill is a competitive, fast-paced, and intense work environment, but knowing that I had these women to lean on, network with, and support me along the way made a huge difference. 

I thank the WCSF for not only investing in my future but supporting other women who pursue a career at Capitol Hill. Having this network is valuable and inspiring because it shows other young women like me that we are supported and seen. I would especially like to thank Liz, Carly, Holly, and all the other incredible women who worked to support the values and initiatives of this foundation. I cannot wait to continue to attend events and see how this network grows in the future. 

Eliza Lafferty

The Women's Congressional Staff Foundation scholarship empowered me to dedicate my summer to public service. I am incredibly grateful to the WCSF community that continues to inspire me as I pursue a law degree.

With WCSF's support, I served as a Legislative Intern for Congressman Mike Levin (CA-D) where I developed my research and writing skills, learned from incredible mentors dedicated to public service, and gained in-depth knowledge of federal legislative processes. Fundamental to my internship experience was the WCSF community. Prior to the internship, WCSF board members offered valuable insight about researching legislation and preparing effective memoranda. Throughout the internship, WCSF board members mentored me and offered guidance for optimizing my time on the Hill. I continue to be grateful for WCSF's efforts; as a law student, I rely on several skills that I had the opportunity to develop while a Legislative Intern. Further, I will indefinitely appreciate being part of the WCSF community of empowering, driven women committed to making positive change in the world.